Elettronica Todescato s.r.l Via Volta 9/a, 36057 - Arcugnano (VI)
Phone +39 (0) 444 289 227 fax +39 (0) 444 289 229

Legal & Privacy


This page contains a description of the procedures for managing the site www.elettronicatodescato.com with reference to the processing of the personal data of persons who consult the site; this is information given in accordance with Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 “Personal data protection Code”. This information is valid only for this website and not for others which may be connected to it by links.

Types of data processed during consultation of the site
Navigation data: following consultation of the site, the computer systems in charge of this activity acquire certain data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols and which could lead back to the IP address of the user connected to the site. In no case will any use be made of such data, or, at the most, it will be used for the sole purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information relating to the frequency of access to the site. Data provided voluntarily by the user: data sent voluntarily to the email addresses indicated on this site, or sent by completing the appropriate forms, will be processed according to principles of correctness, lawfulness and refraining from excess, in order to protect the confidentiality and the rights of the persons concerned.

Place of data processing
Data processing in connection with the web services of this site takes place at the offices of the Data Controller.

Purposes of data processing
The personal data acquired may be used for the purposes of commerce, promotion and information, and also for statistical purposes and to identify potential customers. Personal data spontaneously sent by the persons concerned may be communicated to third parties, if this becomes necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes described above.

Data processing methods
Data processing will be performed in compliance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Code, and will be carried out both manually and with the aid of electronic and telecommunications equipment. The data may be stored in both paper and electronic archives, for a time not exceeding the duration and the needs of data processing. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Communication and dissemination
The personal data of the person concerned will not be subject to dissemination, except where this is the subject of specific request by the person concerned.

Rights of persons concerned
The persons to whom the personal data refers enjoy the rights provided by Article 7 of the Code, under which they have the right to request the deletion, conversion to anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and also, for legitimate reasons, to object to its processing.

Data controller and data processor
The Data Controller and Data Processor is Elettronica Todescato Srl. For any request or communication, send an email to the following address: info@elettronicatodescato.com

Copyright policy
All the information contained in the site is protected by copyright, having been created by Elettronica Todescato Srl. The entire content of the site is therefore the property of Elettronica Todescato Srl and copying, modification or distribution thereof, in whole or in part, alteration in any form or manner and reproduction in whole or in part on other websites, mailing lists, newsletters, paper journals, CD ROMs or other media without prior written authorization by Elettronica Todescato Srl is prohibited. The logo used on the site is the exclusive property of Elettronica Todescato Srl. Any use not expressly authorized, in whole or in part, of documentation, images, logos or marks appearing on the site is actionable under law.


Intellectual property
The contents of www.elettronicatodescato.com, such as by way of example photographs, works, images, videos, drawings, documents, logos and all other material, in any format, published on www.elettronicatodescato.com, including also the colours, all the web pages, graphics and the design of the website are protected by authors' rights and by every other intellectual property right by Elettronica Todescato Srl and the other rights holders. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form without express consent in writing is prohibited. Elettronica Todescato Srl has the exclusive right to prohibit or authorize reproduction in whole or in part of the contents of its internet site. By using the internet sites you undertake to respect the authors' rights of the artists who have created the works viewable on www.elettronicatodescato.com.

Any trademarks distinguishing the products sold on www.elettronicatodescato.com are registered marks of the respective trademark owners and are used within the internet site for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products on sale. We notify you that any use of the trademarks not in compliance with the law is prohibited and may entail legal consequences.

Links from www.elettronicatodescato.com to other websites
The Elettronica Todescato Srl site may contain hypertext links to other websites: by the nature of the technology used we are not responsible for the contents of sites to which we suggest connecting. We ask you to pay attention when, by following links on the site www.elettronicatodescato.com, you reach external sites. Read the conditions of use and rules on privacy carefully.

Links to www.elettronicatodescato.com
Our policy is to allow the activation of links to our sites. We reserve the right to object to the activation of links directed to our websites, and the right to require their removal.

Management of the site contents
Elettronica Todescato Srl has taken every precaution to assure its users that the contents of its internet sites are accurate and do not contain information that is incorrect or out of date. However, we take no responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the contents published, without prejudice to our liability for wilful deception and gross negligence and except as otherwise provided by law. Although it is in our interest to ensure that the website operates continuously, without interruptions, errors or malfunctions due to the internet connection, because of the nature of the internet Elettronica Todescato Srl cannot guarantee this to its users. In case of difficulty, please contact our customer service department.


In our website we use several type of cookies to gather useful information and improve your user experience. With this Cookie Policy we wish to explain why we use cookies and how you can disable them. We change this policy every time we need, it's your duty keep updated.

What's a cookie?
Cookies are small files stored on your computer (or mobile device). They are widely used in websites, the website stores some infos in your computer so it can retrieve them later, for example to fill forms or to identify on your next visit.

Which cookies we use?
- Cookies required for website functionalities
- Performance cookies, useful for example to understand how a user moves on the website or which pages are most visited. Really useful to understand how to improve ourselves.
- Functionality cookies, required to remeber your preferences and simplify your experience (for example the font size you prefer)
- Targeting or Ad Cookies, useful to measure how many times you see some advertising, what are and if you click on them. We need them to measure efficency of marketing campaigns. These datas can be shared with other company, for example advertisers.

Third party cookies
We work with other company, for example we work with advertising platforms and also their systems may use cookie to collect your activity. We do not control this kind of cookies, if you want to manage them you should refer to their websites.

How to manage cookies?
To refuse cookies you can change setting of your browser software. You can gather some useful infos here. http://it.wikihow.com/Disattivare-i-Cookies